iTunes Australia Music Store

iTunes Music StoreThe latest rumour has it that Apple will be introducing iTunes in Australia on October 3. The holdup has been linked with Apple’s insistence that all songs be sold at the same price: ninety nine cents. Record labels want to charge more for new releases and less for older titles. Sony and Warner are yet to give the go ahead for iTunes. Maybe they’re hanging out for their own online music store.

Peter Kafka media editor for had an article on the situation back on Thursday September 8. Mac Rumours followed this up with a post the next day.

I won’t be holding my breath though. We had similar rumours relating to the store opening in April, complete with involvement of Russell Crowe.

One Reply to “iTunes Australia Music Store”

  1. I’m not holding my breath either. The other aspect of this is problems with the way copywright law is written in Australia.

    Anyway, the iTunes model is not perfect, but the best alternative going for music distribution. The fact that the labels in Aus want to stand in its way clearly says a lot, none of it good.

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