JC Penney Doodle Heart promotes Romance

JC Penney makes a bid for the school market with ‘Doodle Heart’, a TV ad in which a young girl’s secret declarations of love are exposed around her school. The school girl sits at her desk, writing her secret love heart. All of a sudden it disappear, mysteriously appearing publicly on a desk, the blackboard, a locker door, the back of a jumper, on a noticeboard. To the accompaniment of Henry Mancini’s Love Story theme, the girl chases her doodles through the school, ending up in the dining room where her love interest is eating. She throws herself down the dining table to meet him face to face, just as he uncovers the doodle heart: “SH + CM”. The super: “Today’s the day to get up the nerve. JC Penney. Every Day Matters.”

Girl doodles a heart in JC Penney TV ad

Click on the image below to play the video.


The Doodle Heart ad was developed at Saatchi & Saatchi New York, by creative directors Kerry Kennan and Michael Long, copywriter Craig Love, art director Shayne Millington, agency producer Zamile Vilakazi and agency executive producer Colin Pearsall.

Filming was directed by Dougal Wilson via Furlined, with director of photography Alwin Kuchler, executive producers Matt Factor, Diane Mcarter, David Thorne, and line producer Matt Fone.

Post production was done at The Mill, New York, by VFX supervisors Westley Sarokin, Aaron Hjartarson, and Gavin Wellsman.

Girl meets her heart in JC Penney TV ad

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