Red Meat Instinct Evolved in Australia

The Red Meat Instinct campaign in Australia is spreading on television and posters. Four posters set out to demonstrate the connection between eating red meat and intelligence, connecting everyday family life with evolutionary theory. Only problem is that humans are not the only red-meat-eating species around. “6 million years ago, ape jumps out of tree. 2 millions years ago, eats red meat, then develops language, stone tools, clothing, fire.. Healthy eating has looked the same for millions of years.”

Time line for evolution of red meat in Australia

Give in to your two million year old cravings. If red meat can fuel evolution it can fuel a couple of hungry kids.

Man eats red meat in Australia
Boy eats red meat in Australia
Woman eats red meat in Australia


The Red Meat campaign was developed at The Campaign Palace by creative director Paul Fishlock, creatives Yanni Pounartzis and Dean Hunt.

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