Terry Tate Reebok Office Linebacker

Terry Tate, Gridiron footballer, is recruited by Felcher and Sons to keep the staff on task. The moment someone is distracted by idle conversation or computer games, Terry Tate appears out of left field and knocks them over with a message to remember. This is all in aid of Reebok sportswear! Follow up videos include a kick at politically correct office behavior and competition in the workplace.

Terry Tate Tackle

Click on the image below to play the Introduction video.

Click on the image below to play the Official Athlete video.

Click on the image below to play the Vacation video.

Click on the image below to play the Sensitivity Training video.


The campaign was dreamed up by advertising agency The Arnell Group, New York, whose team included creative director Peter Arnell and executive producer Miriam Franklin.

Filming was shot by director Rawson Thurber via Hypnotic, with director of photography Eric Haase.

Editor was Jason Painter at Swietlik. Colorist was Bob Curreri.

Music was composed by Larry Pecorella, David Hutten and Justin Hori at Comma Music and Sound Design.

Audio mixer was Loren Silber at POP Sound.

And who’s the guy behind the character Terry? The Mighty Rasta. The CEO Ron Felcher is played by Michael Sean McGuinness.

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