God Given Abilities Used with Purpose

You shaped me first inside, then out;
You formed me in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139: 13 The Message

In this chapter, Day 31 in The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren helps us work through our unique shape, using the A, P and E of SHAPE: Abilities, Personality and Experience.

Driving with Purpose


Rick distinguishes between spiritual gifts and other God-given abilities by the fact that our abilities are given at birth. He says that each of hus have dozens, probably hundreds, of untapped, unrecognized, and unused abilities that are lying dormant inside us.

Rick starts with the thousands of abilities inherent in living in a body. The capacity to remember facts. The ability to smell and distinguish odours. The capacity to touch and hold. To taste. To hear.

I took my son for a driving lesson today. At this point he’s just learning. He’s only now developing a skill that has been latent. I’m sure he’ll discover many more abilities over his life. But he’ll need to practice with perseverance.

I’m reminded of a colleague who is considered by all who know him to be gifted musically. Incredibly gifted. But he reminds his friends that all the giftedness in the world would not have taken him to what he is as a performer. It was hours and hours of practice that honed those skills.

Rick says that every ability can be used for God’s glory, drawing on Paul’s encouragement to do whatever we do for the glory of God. Rick points to Biblical examples of artistic ability, architectural ability, administering, baking, boat making, candy making, debating, designing and so on. He says that God has a place in his church where our specialties can shine and we can make a difference. “Whatever you’re good at, you should be doing for your church.”

This is of great encouragement to action-oriented people who sometimes wonder if the church has any connection with their abilities. I’ve noticed that most worship services require two major skills: the capacity to sing in public, and the capacity to sit and listen attentively. Surely there are forms of being church that go far beyond that. I would say that God may well call us to use our abilities in areas where the organised church has no involvement. And so the church can shine and make a difference through our everyday skills.

I appreciate Rick’s encouragement for people to be aware of their assets and liablities. “God doesn’t waste abilities; he matches our calling and our capabilities.”

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