Dulux Paint Repels Ghost

Dulux indoor house paint is being advertised in a television commercial featuring a ghost. The camera opens on a house in the woods. We hear the distant sound of a woman singing. We’re now on the first floor. The dog looks up, woken by the sound. The couple in the bed behind are roused by the song. The man cautiously goes downstairs to investigate. As he walks down the corridor on the ground floor we see a shot of a ghost flying past in the room behind him. He looks into the study with a piano. No, she’s not there. And then shock!!!

Dulux Ghost in television commercial

She’s there in front of him, dressed in Victorian clothing. Stirring strings alert us to the danger element. He runs. She pursues. The camera moves to the man’s partner coming down the stairs. He’s running through rooms. The ghost is flying through walls. Dodging ladders and boxes, the man runs through an open doorway. The ghost speeds towards a freshly painted wall, meaning to pass through it and continue chasing him but she bounces straight off and ends up on the floor, unconscious. The final text: “Nothing repels like Dulux Wash & Wear Advanced. Worth Doing, Worth Dulux.” Click on the image below to play the video.


Dulux Ghost was developed at Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne, Australia, by creative directors Emma Hill & Josh Robbins, creative team Linda Honan and Hilary Badger, and agency producer Sandi Gracin. Print producer was Robin Bowles.

Filming was shot in a former summer palace outside Kiev in the Ukraine, by director Garth Davis via Exit Films, with director of photography Greig Fraser.

Editor was Michael Houlihan at Mike Reed Partners Post Production.

Stuart White and Richard Lambert of Fin Design & Effects looked after tape finish.

Media production is provided by OMD.

Music/Sound was provided by Elliot Wheeler at Nylon Studios, and Human Worldwide Music and Sound Design.

2 Replies to “Dulux Paint Repels Ghost”

  1. This is quite a creative advert, but for Dulux, it is uncharacteristically unsettling. Whilst the ad is good and is pure fiction, you really have to worry about it’s effect on different age groups. Adults know that it is not real, but kids don’t. I read that children had nightmares after seeing this ad and it was banned as a result. Maybe this was true, but it is not up to the advertiser to ensure children that what they have seen is not real, that is the job of the parents.

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