St Matthew in the City, a progressive Anglican church in Auckland, New Zealand, promoted their animal service with a sign reading, “Beware of the God”. The red sign, attached to a wire mesh fence and accompanied by a kennel, promoted a pet blessing service to be held on October 8.
Glynn Cardy, vicar at St Matthew in the City, writes that adults and children smiled as they passed by. A detractor, Cardy writes, said that it was about time St Matthew’s had a theological warning about the God within. Cardy agrees with the detractor and says that the God his congregation worships is not safe, and will not make anyone safe. See his thought provoking sermon delivered for the Feast of St Francis, October 8.
The ‘Beware of the God’ campaign was developed at M&C Saatchi, Auckland, by executive creative director Oliver Maisey, copywriter Connan James and art director Craig Farndale.
In case you’re interested, just across the water, there’s a Beware of the God cross-media project that’s been going for a couple of years.
It incorporates metal plaques:
A 30 second movie that played in all the Sydney subway video-billboards:
40,000 free sticker-postcards:
And a series of projections onto clouds over Sydney Harbour: