Johnnie Walker Android On Being Human

Johnnie Walker‘s latest television commercial comes from the future through the perspective of an android. The 60 second Scotch whisky TV advertisement, “Human”, provides an ambience consistent with that of Isaac Asimov’s story Bicentennial Man, directed as a film by Steven Spielberg, and Stanley Kubrick’s A.I.

Android in Johnnie Walker Human ad

An android (played by Aaron Cash) sits in a library of the future saying, “I am faster than you, stronger than you. Certainly I will last much longer than you. You may think that I am the future. But you’re wrong. You are. If I had a wish, I wish to be human”.

Outside now, the android turns in the sunlight. “To know how it feels to feel”. The android grabs a butterfly in his hand, then releases it.

Android grabs butterfly in Johnnie Walker TV ad

Back in the library the butterfly provides a point of continuity for the soliloquy. “To hope, to despair, to wonder, to love. I can achieve immortality by not wearing out. You can achieve immortality simply by doing one great thing. Click on the image below to play the video.

Johnnie Walker Human Credits

The Johnnie Walker Human ad was developed at Bartle Bogle Hegarty, London, by chairman and worldwide creative director John Hegarty, copywriter and art director Justin Moore and Steve Robertson, with producer Kristin Armstrong.

Filming was directed by Dante Ariola, with MJZ, with director of photography Philippe Le Sourd and producer Debbie Turner. Editing was done by Andrea McArthur at Peepshow, London.

Post production was done at The Mill, London, with producer Helen Hughes, Lead Flame Chris Knight, Lead 3D producer Gil James, Lead 3D Supervisor Russell Tickner. Flame artists were Richard Roberts, Coory Brown, Dave Birkhill. Flame Assists were Mark Payne, Stirling Archibald and Sheldon Gardener. 3D artists were Christ Rabbet, Eva Kuehlmann, Daniel Hope and Vincent Baartsoen. The Mill’s new podcast channel includes a video showing behind-the-scenes development of the visual effects.

Original music was composed by Peter Challis, Marc Teitler and Bernd Würtz at A-Bomb, London.

Johnnie Walker Keep Walking

Behind the Scenes

Making Of the Johnnie Walker Human Ad video at YouTube. Click on the image below to play the video.

Butterfly in Johnnie Walker TV ad

6 Replies to “Johnnie Walker Android On Being Human”

  1. This commercial can go hand in hand with humanity itself. By creating something so complexly engendered as the android, we can also see how uniquely created we are by the hand of God himself.

  2. This commercial catch my attention as soon as the android started with its speech. It’s a very good TV commercial. I helped me to realized that we, as human beings, have become so “androids” because we do not respect the world gave us in order to rule it. What a shame!

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