Energy Australia Giant Saves Power

EnergyAustralia has launched ‘Giant’, a TV ad encouraging Australians to reduce their impact on their environment by being energy efficient. As the giant walks through the city, he discovers ways of reducing his ‘footprint’, using wind power, changing to energy-efficient lightbulbs, using gas for cooking, turning appliances and lights off. All inspired by help from Energy Australia.

Energy Australia Giant changes light bulb in EnergyAustralia TV ad

Click on the image below to play the Giant video.

The TV spot, “Giant”, is accompanied by print, online banners, and the microsite EnergySave, which gives users tips on how to save energy.

Energy Australia Giant Credits

The Giant ad was developed at Leo Burnett, Sydney, by creative director Mark Collis, copywriter Kate Burt, art directors Nils Eberhardt and Kieran Ots, and agency producer Helen Hendry.

Filming was directed by Steve Ayson via The Sweet Shop with producer Claire Kelly.

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