Gay Marriage is Just Like Yours

Equal Marriage Illinois, a Gay and Lesbian action group, commissioned a set of three commercials in February 2007, encouraging heterosexual viewers to think of gay marriage outside the bedroom. Gay and lesbian couples work through the mundane issues of lost keys, mugs on coasters and milk in cartons, with the tagline, “Gay marriage is just like yours, only gayer”. Sound on the clips is kept fairly ordinary, giving us the impression of overhearing an actual conversation.

Gay Marriage scene

Click on the image below to play the Equal Marriage video.

Equal Marriage Credits

The Equal Marriage campaign was developed at Y&R, Chicago, by executive creative director Mark Figliulo, creative director/copywriter Dave Loew, creative director/art director Jon Wyville, executive agency producer Matt Bijarchi and agency producer Ashley Geisheker.

Filming was shot by director Max Vitali via HSI, New York, with producer Kirsten Emhoff and line producer Marie Dunaway. Editor was Bill Smedley at Work Post.

The Equal Marriage campaign won a silver Lion at Cannes in 2007.

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