McDonalds Breakfast Freerunner

McDonalds Australia is promoting the Breakfast menu with a TV ad featuring a parkour jumper. The freerunner wakes up at 10.25 am, and must perform parkour moves to get to McDonald’s on time for breakfast. He climbs, jumps and leaps across all manner of obstacles to make it there before 10.30am. He gets there just in time and digs into a Bacon & Egg McMuffin, hash brown and Espresso pronto coffee.

McDonalds Jumper


The McDonalds Parkour Breakfast ad was developed at Tribal DDB, Sydney, by creative director Matt Eastwood with a huge creative team including Alex Stainton, Jakub Szymanski, Adam Rose, Ben O’Brien, Ed James, Justin Carew & Thorsten Hayer, and agency producer Sean Ascroft.

Filming was directed by David Gaddie via Silverscreen Australia, now represented by Partizan.

3 Replies to “McDonalds Breakfast Freerunner”

  1. wasnt really Parkour, as he stops to do flips and such. more freerunning. there is a difference 😉 though many people dont seem to realise it. there were two guys that did the stunts, jamie and myself :p

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