This is my son David Hicks

Get Up Australia, a new independent political movement to build a progressive Australia, has launched a television advertisement calling for support for the return of Guantanamo Bay prisoner David Hicks to Australia. Terry Hicks, the father of David, provides a voiceover as the camera simply zooms in on a photograph of David as a nine-year-old boy.

David Hicks as a 9 year old boy

“This is my son, David. He’s been missing for five years – held in Guantanamo Bay. Without trial. I love my son, but I’ve always said if he’s done wrong he should wear the consequences. I only ever wanted David to be given a fair trial, but I’m afraid Guantanamo’s been set up to do one thing: guarantee a guilty verdict. Please, let’s bring David home. Thank you – I’m Terry Hicks.” Click on the image below to play the video.

See the Get Up Australia site for more details and comments.

Note: On March 26, David Hicks pleaded guilty to providing material support for terrorism, after five years of detention in Guantanamo Bay.

2 Replies to “This is my son David Hicks”

  1. Hi,
    Could you please clarify if the follwing extract from The Australian (8 Dec.2008) is true: “…the same stuff David Hicks faithfully regurgitated to his mum about the need to kill all the Jews before Judgment Day, when even the rocks will cry out “There’s a Jew hiding behind me!”.
    I just wonder what was your response.

    Looking forward to see your mail.


  2. The extract you refer to is Andrew Bolt’s quote from David Burchill’s column in The Australian, Fascinated by Fanatics, December 4. Perhaps you should be asking David where he got his information from.

    The Getup campaign, as written above, focused on getting a fair trial for David Hicks, not on excusing any of his opinions, motivations or associations.

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