Instant Kiwi Little Thrillers

With the Bigfoot press conference making headlines around the world, it’s time to bring out the evidence from New Zealand’d Instant Kiwi Little Thriller campaign.

Bigfoot Scare in New Zealand


NZ Lotteries in 2006 ran a campaign, Little Thrillers, featuring short films lasting one minute, the average time taken to scratch an Instant Kiwi ticket. The most well known commercial featured a group in a ski hut, who are alarmed to find that their roommate Rob is missing. Out in the snow they find huge footprints. What is going on?

Click on the image below to play the video.

The Chase

A driver is disturbed to see another car following him much too closely.

Click on the image below to play the video.

The Mission

Two men work together to infiltrate a building, using the air conditioning shafts and vents.

Click on the image below to play the video.


The Little Thriller campaign was developed at Lowe Auckland by creative director/art director/copywriter Josh Moore, and agency producer Jackie Clark.

Filming was shot by Adam Stevens via Robber’s Dog with producer Mark Foster and director of photography James Cowley.

Post Production was done at Perceptual Engineering and Digital Post. Editor was Sam Brunette. The soundtrack, the key to the ‘thriller feel’, was designed at SoundTrax.

Behind the Scenes

Lowe Auckland takes us behind the scenes on their integrated campaign to position the Instant Kiwi as a Little Thriller.

Click on the image below to play the video.

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