Dove Individuals in Chocumentaries

Dove Chocolate is being introduced to Australia in individually wrapped pieces, promoted in Dove Individuals, a campaign featuring DOVE Individuals Pam Nesia and Em Ocean. The campaign features the mad chocoholic obsessions of individual women who just cannot resist Dove Individuals.

Dove Individuals and Pam Nesia and  Em Ocean

Pam Nesia

Pam Nesia eats chocolate to forget. Her boyfriend Alexandre explains that it began when Pam’s gynaecologist tells her he was in her English class at school. But now she forgets the little things, like what happens after the first phrase of Beethoven’s Fur Elise. It comes in handy after embarrassing incidents such as sending a photograph of her nipple piercing to the staff instead of Alexandre. A delightful spot with flavours of 50 First Dates. Click on the image below to play the video.

Em Ocean

Em Ocean eats chocolate when she’s feeling emotional. She’s now found ways to create the need for chocolate however, by attending graveside funerals and random weddings. “I’ll be OK”, she says. Click on the image below to play the video.

Dove Individuals Credits

The Dove Individuals campaign was developed at CumminsNitro, Melbourne, by executive creative director Sean Cummins, copywriter Matthew Page, art director Carolyn Davis, account manager Cheuk Chiang, and agency producer Jill Wheeler.

Filming was shot by James Pilkington via The Sweet Shop, NZ, with director of photography Ian McCarroll, producer Lynette Gordon, editor Tim Mauger.

Post production was done at Oktobor, Auckland. Music was coordinated by Karl Richter at Level Two Music, Melbourne. Sound was designed by Phil Kenihan at Front of House, Melbourne.

4 Replies to “Dove Individuals in Chocumentaries”

  1. Nothing would encourage me buy Dove Chocolates if I had to go by the two adverts on at present – they are ridiculous.

  2. They’re amazing. Hilarious and totally stand out on tv. I love them both. But Em Ocean is definitely my favourite.

  3. I ADORE these ads – it’s so refreshing to see some actual creativity in commercials rather than seeing a corporate slogan literally converted into an advertisement (“paint the town” – oh, why don’t we see a woman splashing paint across a room. Boring!). Kudos to the makers of the Dove commercial.

  4. Also congrats to the makers of The Royal Tenenbaums for the ideas this ad happily pilfers from!

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