Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Reaches Out

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland produced a couple of edgy print campaigns in 2007 engaging with the wider culture. Although the church is the official religion of Finland, attendance and participation is suffering, particularly among younger generations. The first two simply present alternative depictions of Jesus, with the phrase Room for Faith you consider yours. The second set is built around the phrase Usko Toivo Rakkaus, with somewhat clumsy art and copy designed to demonstrate a liberal, old fashioned and genuine attempt to engage with a younger audience.

Black Jesus in Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland print advertisement

Room For Faith You Consider Yours

Female Jesus in Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland print advertisement

I caan see you hurt inside, tough guy

Chatting with the youth is a bit hard for us, and this guy doesn’t attract audiences either. The issue is still important, even sensitive. Most of us try to protect our true selves by building roles. Faith gives you strength to grow and to be yourself. nd you don’t have to go through that growth alone. Tell us how these issues should be discussed with you. Development discussion is on right now at our website uskotoivorakkaus.fi

Youth minister in Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland print advertisement

Jesse really digs ya man

That didn’t quite cut it, did it? As you can see we here at the church run a bit short of words when talking about love. We are only human after all, just like you. With this awkward attempt we just tried to tell you that unconditional love is the greatest thing about faith. It has no demands, it doesn’t force you. It understands and strengthens you, no matter what you do. You can be just as you are. If this make any sense to you, come and visit our website uskotoivorakkaus.fi

Out of date poster of reggae Jesus in Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland print advertisement

What would Jesus do?

We have a natural urge to seek company, acceptance and love. When searching for the right one, we might ask ourselves how many people we have to experience to recognise the one. There is no right answer, but faith gives you strength during the search as well as in a relationship. Faith helps you understand and accept yourself and others. Relationships are a sensitive matter also for the church. Even as same sex relationships are a part of our community we still don’t have a clear opinion on them. So join the conversation, because our tolerance is defined also by the members of the church. So drop a line on our website uskotoivorakkaus.fi

Gay couple in Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland print advertisement

Evangelical Lutheran Church Credits

The Evangelical Lutheran Church ampaign was developed at TBWA\PHS Helsinki Oy, Helsinki, Finland, by art directors Mikko Torvinen and Ossi Honkanen, and copywriters Antti Toivonen and Tommi Laiho.

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