Have You Seen the Muffin Man?

Royal Bank of Canada is promoting its business advisory services with a clever animated television commercial showing the expansion of a muffin vending business from one man and a cart to an empire. The spot aired in Canada during the Beijing Olympics.

The RBC Muffin Man

A sole operator begins in a park with four muffins. With financial advice from his friendly banker, he takes his business to the next level, with branding, seating, the opening of larger and larger premises, and finally the development of a franchise chain.

Click on the image below to play the video.


Mr Muffin was developed at BBDO Toronto, Canada, by executive creative director Ian MacKellar, creative director/art director Carlos Moreno, creative director/copywriter Peter Ignazi, agency producers Beatrice Bodogh and Tracey Azzopardi, account planner Lori Davison, account service team Vince Aragona and Katie Wilson.

Animation was directed by Tom & Mark (Tom and Mark Perrett) and produced at Nexus Productions by Melody Sylvester and Julia Parfitt.

Sound and music were produced by Chris Branch and Tom Haines at Brains & Hunch.

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