T-Mobile Lines Going Down in Sunday Drive

T-Mobile@Home is promoted in Sunday Drive, a television commercial featuring provocative action from a woman in a sports car. A black sports car drives through a deserted road. The driver, a brunette, is clearly disturbed about something. She pulls the car over, opens the boot and pulls out a chainsaw. If you look closely you’ll see the text, “Do not attempt”. What comes next is a chain reaction in which one telephone pole topples after another. “Your home phone company is going down. Get ready for T-Mobile Home”.

Chainsaw woman in T-Mobile Sunday Drive commercial

Click on the image below to play the Sunday Drive video.

Sunday Drive Credits

Sunday Drive was developed at Publicis in the West, Seattle, by chief creative officer Bob Moore, group creative director Kammie McArthur, creative director Stacy Milrany, executive producer Adam Oliver, director of content Derek Ruddy, agency senior producer Kelly Green.

Filming was shot by Andrew Douglas via Anonymous Content with executive producer Andy Traines, executive producer/head of commercials Dave Morrison, head of production Sue Ellen Clair, producer Aris McGarry, production supervisor Justine Madero.

Editor was Mike Elliot at Mad River Post with executive producer Gary Ward and producer Kim Oliviera.

Colorist was Stefan Sonnenfeld via Company 3, Santa Monica

Post production and effects (CG phone poles, wires, helmets, ground replacements and rigwork) were developed at Giant Steps by VFX supervisor Michael Vaglienty and Ryan Thompson.

Sound was designed by Rohan Young at Lime Studios, Santa Monica.

Chainsaw woman in T-Mobile Sunday Drive commercial

8 Replies to “T-Mobile Lines Going Down in Sunday Drive”

  1. How bout the fact there is no TELEPHONE line on the pole? She just knocked out everyone’s power, but thank God they can call someone with the underground phone line!

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