The Atlantic Think Again Project

Boston magazine The Atlantic has developed a series of short documentaries online at today’s site of the day, Think Again. The Atlantic Project supplements printed articles with a range of short vox pop documentaries, asking questions such as “Is Google making us stupid”, “What’s the cost of being a nerd?”, “Why do presidents lie?”, “Which religion will win?”, and “Is Porn Adultery?”

The Atlantic Think Again site

The site includes a media kit aimed at potential advertisers, and a blog designed to field discussion on the questions posed in the documentaries. Each question is presented as an article from the archives, a downloadable photograph, a short video and a documentary.

“There are too many rote answers and not enough good questions. Our minds, dulled by sound bites and trivia, trudge along, unchallenged and unsatisfied. This is why we started the Atlantic Project: to illuminate questions that provoke us all to challenge assumptions, get better answers and to think again. The Atlantic has been home to some of the finest minds in the world for more than 150 years, and it is an inspiration to millions of brave thinkers who read us online and off. Now The Atlantic is challenging all of America to think again.”

Can Jesus save Hollywood?

Hollywood residents are asked the question, “Can Jesus Save Hollywood?”, in a reference to the 2005 article on Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ. Click on the image below to play the video.


The Think Again campaign was developed at Euro RSCG New York by creative director Jose Cabaco, copywriter Christian Travers, art director Dave Arnold, digital art director Stephen Petronis, agency producer Adina Birnbaum and director of integrated production Joe Guyt.

Filming was shot by directors Joakim Reveman/The Vikings via Paranoid U.S. with director of photography Felix Leiberg, executive producers Claude Letessier and Phillip Detchmendy, and producer Janice Biggs.

Editing was done at Lost Planet by editors Charlie Johnson, Jennifer Dean, Dominic LaPerriere.

Music was composed by Mitch Davis at Pull, New York, with executive music producer Scott Brittingham.

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