IKEA Spain has released “Yo Me Quedo En Casa” (I Stay Home), a commercial designed as an ode to the home as refuge during the COVID-19 pandemic. The advertising campaign encourages viewers to celebrate their home, a place where in a simple and improvised way they can enjoy leisure and work in a new way, approaching their time of isolation with imagination, love, patience and a sense of humour. The #YoMeQuedoEnCasa campaign includes by a series of digital elements with which the brand invites all of us to see our house from a different perspective and to make it a place where during this time, we can enjoy new experiences and sensations together.
IKEA Stay Home Credits
The IKEA Stay Home campaign was developed at McCann Madrid by creative team Monica Moro, Raquel Martinez, Fernando Cerezo, Teresa Mesonero, Alejandra de Luis, account team Javier Pascual, Elena Rodríguez, Sonsoles San Jose, Claudia Solano and Alejandra Sierra, planner Juan Manual Ramirez, production team Paloma Adrien, Paula Garcia, Vanessa Pizarro, and Elisa Chia.
Postproduction, including sound and music, was by Craft Spain, Madrid.
Further agency work at Good Rebels was by creative team Juan Fran Vaquero, Markel Otsoa de Extaguen, Irene García, Irina Alegre, María José Zapata, account team María Novillo, Adrián Gastón, Patricia Ruíz, Paula Martín, strategic planner Luis Jiménez and client contact Juan Antonio Díaz-Pintado.
Media was handled at Ymedia by planning team Sandra Ugena, Nuria Cacho, María Martínez, Andrea Oscoz, Marina Gutiérrez, Irene Rodríguez, Carmen Mateo, Elena Ruano, and client contact Alejandra Gálvez.
Production footage was provided by IKEA Global.