Disney Launches Year of a Million Dreams With Annie Leibovitz

Disney Parks has commissioned Annie Leibovitz to develop a print advertising campaign to promote “The Year of a Million Dreams”, beginning with three photographs featuring well known celebrities recreating scenes from Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland.

David Beckham in Disney Sleeping Beauty print ad

Newly signed LA Galaxy soccer player David Beckham plays the part of the gallant Prince Phillip from “Sleeping Beauty,” atop his trusted steed fighting the evil dragon (out of picture). The tagline reads, “Where imagination saves the day.”

The Sleeping Beauty picture was taken at Burguillo Lake, near Madrid. The castle is superimposed from a photograph from Disneyland Paris.

Beyonce in Disney Mad Hatters Tea Party print ad

The Alice in Wonderland photograph shows Beyoncé, singer song-writer Lyle Lovett and actor Oliver Platt twirling in giant tea cups in a recreation of the Mad Hatter’s tea party. The shot was taken in a field on Liebowitz’s farm in upstate New York. Disney had teacups from Disneyland shipped in and placed with a forklift. The tagline reads, “Where Wonderland is your destiny.”

“It’s two great imaginations coming together – Disney and Annie Leibovitz,” said Lovett. “To be along for the ride really is quite something, just knowing that you’re going to be part of a great Disney character. And then when you step into the imagination of Annie Leibovitz, you know you’re in another world.”

Scarlett Johansson in Disney Cinderalla print ad

As Cinderella, Scarlett Johansson is seen running down a flight of stairs as the clock strikes midnight with her glass slipper unknowingly left behind. The tagline reads, “Where every Cinderella story comes true.” Cinderella was taken on the steps of the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial, on Riverside Drive in New York. The castle in back of the steps is the castle from Disney World in Orlando, digitally imposed. Befitting a true princess, Johansson wears a stunning, one-of-a-kind Harry Winston tiara — a dazzling piece in platinum with more than 62 carats of sparkling diamonds and valued at $325,000. The dress worn by Johansson is a custom-made, Cinderella-inspired gown designed by Nicoletta Santoro.

“I’m really delighted to be part of the ‘Where Dreams Come True’ campaign,” said Leibovitz. “We live in difficult times and I feel, especially as a parent, that keeping dreams alive is one of the most important things we can do.”

“The ‘Where Dreams Come True’ campaign is about the imaginations and dreams that are inside us all,” said Jay Rasulo, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. “By capturing these transformational experiences, these emotional images communicate a powerful concept. Working with Annie Leibovitz was a natural fit – Disney is known for immersive storytelling and Annie is a masterful artist whose photos speak volumes.”

As part of the “Where Dreams Come True” initiative, Disney Parks introduced “The Year of a Million Dreams” (Oct. 1, 2006-Dec. 31, 2007). During this 15-month, first-of-its-kind celebration, more than one million very special dreams are being granted to guests visiting Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort. The celebration also is highlighted by the debut of innovative Disney attractions and entertainment spectaculars at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World resorts.

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