AIGA Get Out The Vote

AIGA, the professional association for design, is behind today’s Site of the Day, Get Out The Vote. Get Out The Vote, an initiative started during the 2000 US election campaign, invites AIGA members to creative nonpartisan posters and print advertisements, videos and motion graphics that inspire the American public to participate in the electoral process and vote for a presidential candidate in the 2008 general election.

AIGA Get Out The Vote

By motivating eligible individuals to register and turn out on election day, Get Out the Vote fulfills an ongoing AIGA objective of demonstrating the value of design to the public, public officials and business by providing a clear call to action for an activity that is important to everyone.


319 posters, submitted by graphic designers around the United States, are available to download in pdf format. Each entry is accompanied by the AIGA tag line, Good design makes choices clear. This poster, by KINETIK, makes the connection between voting and buying vegetables.

Kin Get Out The Vote poster

See also the Get Out The Vote YouTube channel


A video designed by Ashley Long.

Click on the image below to play the video.


Get Out the Vote is sponsored by Yupo Corporation America, Fast Company, Declare Yourself and Intelligencer Printing Company.

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