Unilever Hypocrisy Exposed

Unilever’s viral campaign for Dove, Onslaught, has unleashed a growing number of critiques of the international company’s exploitation of sexism to sell men’s products such as Axe (Lynx). Rye Clifton, a senior strategic planner at Martin Agency, Richmond, created one of the YouTube mashups splicing together the Onslaught ad with images from the Axe/Lynx Billions spot in which a man sprays himself to attract the attention of thousands of women in bikinis.

Unilever Daughter

Click on the image below to play the video.

And here’s another version, posted on YouTube by Emarketingperformance and Polepositionmarketing.

Click on the image below to play the video.

See more on the growing debate at AdAge.

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