Dark Side of Tanning in Australia

The Cancer Institute NSW has used the Australian summer to remind viewers and readers that there is nothing healthy about a tan. Graphic TV ads show the development of melanoma cells under the skin even before there are signs of burning. A website helps people think about what goes on below the surface of the skin.

Sun bather in Dark Side of Tanning TV ad

The NSW Government launched the $2.16 million state-wide ad campaign in September 2007. Assistant Health Minister (Cancer) Verity Firth said “Few in the community are taking the slip, slop, slap message seriously, with more than a quarter of NSW residents reporting that they got sunburnt at least three times in the last 12 months.”

“People, particularly the young, must stop putting unattainable, media-derived concepts of ‘beauty’ before their long term health. The fact is, Australia already has the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, with melanoma of the skin the most common cancer amongst men aged 25-54 and females aged 15-29 – and its prevalence is growing.”

Click on the image below to play the Dark Side of Tanning (Female) video.

Click on the image below to play the Dark Side of Tanning (Male) video.


Dark Side of Tanning Poster - What Are Your Chances?
Dark Side of Tanning Poster - What Are Your Chances?
Dark Side of Tanning Poster - Perfect Conditions?
Dark Side of Tanning Site

Dark Side of Tanning Credits

The Dark Side of Tanning campaign was developed at The Campaign Palace, Sydney.

Filming was shot by Paul Butterworth and Mike Bain with editing and post production done by the team at Fuel, Sydney.

See more of the campaign online at darksideoftanning.com.au and at the Cancer Institute NSW and press release.

4 Replies to “Dark Side of Tanning in Australia”

  1. I am dating an arab girl and i would like to know if i lay in the sun to tan for a long duration of time consistently for a few weeks to a month can i get to her colour

    I have an issue with this and a complex because when i walk she looks like my shadow.

  2. hahaha that is very funny,
    Don’t you worry, stop trying to get tanned for her, sure she likes you the way you look, so don’t be an idiot in catching a cancer instead !

  3. OMG are you really that stupid?!!!!!! Tanning will end up killig you! Your girlfriend likes your for you not becuaes you are not tanned enough for her. You want be dating her for long as you will die of skin cancer. DOn’t lay in the sun all the time. Maybe spend time with her. Or you could get a fake tan 🙂

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