AT&T Cingular Butcher Phone Call

AT&T/Cingular reminds us how important it is to have continuous coverage while we’re on a phone call with ‘Butcher’, an award-winning television commercial. The humour centres around what happens when one person drops out of a conversation. A butcher phones an acquaintance to order fifty pounds of roast beef. His attempt at humour works fine but the line goes dead before he gets to hear the laughter. “A dropped call can ruin a conversation”. The Butcher ad, with others in the campaign, has led to a spate of spoofs.

Cingular Butcher

Click on the image below to play the video.


The Dropped Call campaign was developed at BBDO New York, by chief creative officers David Lubars and Bill Bruce, executive creative director Susan Credle, art directors David Skinner and Jason Stefanik, copywriter Darren Wright and Alex Taylor, account executive Julie Meyerson, executive producer Bob Emerson, senior producer Nicole Lundy.

Filming was shot by director Phil Morrison via Epoch Films, Los Angeles,

Editor was Jim Ulbrich at Beast, New York. Visual Effects were developed at Charlex.

Cingular Roast Man

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