McDonalds Inner Child Comes Out

McDonalds Australia released the inner child this month, appealing to adults’ nostalgia for McDonalds. The 60 second ad begins with an office worker reaching for a top shelf to put away a file. All of a sudden she freezes. A hatch in her front opens and out comes a child. The little girl makes a rendezvous with a little boy emerging from the body of another frozen office worker. In the basement car park a shopping couple freeze as they open up their car. Their inner children get in and drive off. We see the inner children of a jogger, bus driver, swimmer, courier, storage worker, window washer, executive and tourist.

Inner Child dines at McDonalds in TV Ad

The crowds of children arrive at McDonalds/McCafe to enjoy their healthy meals and gourmet coffee, finding their places at long benches, booths, enjoying the warm lighting, comfy chairs and the number of food choices. A voiceover urges the viewer to “Come see what’s changed and feed your inner child?. The ad finishes with the two office workers unfreezing to find themselves in the possession of a burger and a yoghurt dessert.


The Inner Child campaign was developed atLeo Burnett Sydney, by creative director Mark Collis, copywriter Stephen Coll, art director Matt Ryan and agency producer Brenden Johnson.

Filming was shot by director Joel Pront, via Collider. Post production was done at Fin Design & Effects and Guillotine.

Collider tell us that the door effect was achieved by body casting real adults then building complete prosthetic models of their torsos with doors scuplted into them. The model torsos were then composited back into high speed footage of the frozen adults.

Joel is represented by Believe Media.

The music was produced specifically for the advertisement, composed by Elliot Wheeler, a staff composer with Nylon Studios. The song was sung by Melanie Horsnell – an Australian singer song writer.

Melanie Horsnell CD Cover


Oh Me, Oh My
My Me, My My
A funny thing like that
So wondering I try

I see, I spy
My me, My eye
Spy my little eye
I spy my me oh my
My my, my me
My my

62 Replies to “McDonalds Inner Child Comes Out”

  1. hey please please.. can you find the song for this ad.. i have been looking everywhere for it.. but can not find it..

  2. Definatly made specifically for the ad, or there would be lyrics mentioned on other sites. You’d think that they could simply give it to people since you can’t buy it, but almost no industry will release music spefically made for ads. Harsh, but it’s a fact.

  3. dude, u are my new best friend!! i had to do an analysis on the ad for skool n i needed the lyrics n the link u provided to the clip saved my ass. thanku sooo much!! keep up the good work 😛 love ur new bestest frend…xox

  4. The song is a little similar to the canon digic add (the one with the pixelated rodeo) Similar kind of playful acoustic guitar theme

  5. Different Mcd’s add but am wondering if you know the lyrics to something the wee girl is singing, it starts.. “There was a little monkey, that ran around the country, tripped on a toad stool”

  6. Yes – I too would love to know the words to the song that goes “There was a little monkey etc”. My son loves it!!

  7. I am still looking for the tabs for this song..

    I dont suppose anyone knows teh lyrics to the new one

    “it seems to me”?

  8. xx if you move your cursor around this post you will find lots of links to sites where you can view the ad. And even download it in quicktime format.

  9. I contacted McDonalds after failing to find any reference about it on the net. customer services told me the rhyme. So here it is….

    There was a little monkey,
    Ran around the country,
    Tripped on a toadstool,
    Fell into a rockpool.

    What colour were the crabs,
    Red, white, or blue?

    My tummy says it must be you,
    By 1, By 2, By 3.

    I found this to be a little disappointing because it starts out being a catchy little rhyme, but falls apart at the end.

    Anyway hope everyone’s happy.

  10. The music in the ad was written for the commercial.
    If you guys actually read the article you would’ve realised that…
    Does anyone know where I can download this?
    I’ve seen plenty of links to watch it but none to download.

  11. Bring back the Inner child ad!! loved the first one they had. loved the song. cute concept.don’t usually like ads

  12. i love the start of the “there was a little monkey” rhyme but after hearing the rest of it. it really sucks. and now im sad 🙁

  13. What an excellent marketing strategy! Using the monkey rhyme was so effective. My kids sing it all the time and then ask for maccas!

  14. the words to the little monkey song is written in the responses above by Sirman whom was intellegent and called maccas to find out
    ill repeat it here

    There was a little monkey,
    Ran around the country,
    Tripped on a toadstool,
    Fell into a rockpool.

    What colour were the crabs,
    Red, white, or blue?

    My tummy says it must be you,
    By 1, By 2, By 3.

    its odd because no1 that i have talked to has heard of it.

  15. There was a little monkey,
    Ran around the country,
    Tripped on a toadstool,
    Fell into a rockpool.

    What colour were the crabs,
    Red, white, or blue?

    My tummy says it must be you,
    By 1, By 2, By 3.

  16. i love that song!!


    there was a little monkey
    ran around the country
    tripped on a toadstool
    fell into a rock pool

    what colour were the crabs
    red white or blue

    (i dont get this bit) my tummy says it must be you
    by 1 by 2 by 3

  17. There was a little monkey,
    Ran around the country,
    Tripped on a toadstool,
    Fell into a rockpool.

    What colour were the crabs,
    Red, white, or blue?

    My tummy says it must be you,
    By 1, By 2, By 3.

    Hehehe, I love that song!
    And then I say “A Fruit Bag!” Hahaha It’s soo cool!

  18. Obviously it was invented by McDonalds for the ad…
    “My tummy says it must be you, By 1, By 2, By 3”
    As in the three choices in the happy meal.

  19. Wouldn’t it be “Buy 1, Buy 2, Buy 3” rather than “By 1, By 2, By 3”?

    That would at least make a bit more sense to me…

  20. *Strange child walks in and goes to order*

    (Throw in crappy advertisment talk)
    A FROO BAG!”

    (Man confused about the odd girl) “And too drink?”


    Does anybody else agree with me that that little kid sounds like the spawn of Alan Brough, what with ‘thut luttle eccent’?

  21. i love the add its really cute i agree with the “My tummy says it must be you, By 1, By 2, By doen’t made scence but agree with the thing about there being 3 options

  22. This monkey poem is actually an old one. Regardless whether it rhymes or not, it has got us all talking about it and trying to find the rest of the verses…lol…good advertising choice by McDonalds.

  23. I have really enjoyed this discussion regarding the monkey and it’s crabs.

    Now I think Mcdonalds ought to bring out a crab burger or something to celebrate how great they did at advertising it.

    Just as long as we get a fruit bag and a baileys and milk with it, hehhee


  24. My dad and I just spent a week camping and I cannot tell you how many times we tried to figure the saying (Jingle) out LOL – GOTTA LOVE IT – No Seriously it’s ACE

  25. Rhyme starts off well but not as good as the “politicaly incorrect one” Eany meany miney mo, Catch a nigger by the toe…etc..

  26. what was this again can someone tell me straight away. there was a little monkey that went around the country tip toe the toet tray…….. and whats the rest it sounds fun to say. lolz

  27. argh how annoying thats so gay it doesnt make sense its talking about crabs then its like my tummy says it must be you! i am so devastated now thats a LAME ending

  28. the end to that rhyme has been bugging me and my dad for ages! its so good to know the end, even if it is stupid. oh and i love the accent its too cool my cousin talks the same. its a kid thing

  29. hahahah.
    me and my mates were trying to figgure out the lyrics the other day.
    the add is awesome.
    i send a myspace bulliten with the lyrics.
    later all.

  30. Hello
    reading these posts because contributed vocals to a McD. Ad recently.

    Just wanted to respond to earlier comments about people wanting to purchase songs from the ad.
    The reason you cannot release that stuff is because McD. would own it, and the artists who created it would not get a cent for their work!


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